Cute Bunny Tank Graphic For Facebook Profiles

……( ‘_’)

Funny ‘You’ve Been Hit By A Truck’ Picture For Facebook Comments

you’ve been hit by a

| TRUCK!!!!!! ‘|”"”;..,___.
|_…_…______===|= _|__|…, ] |
“(@ )’(@ )”"”"*|(@)(@ )*****(@)

congrats. you’re dead.

Happy Birthday Funky Facebook Art To Copy And Paste

♫♪♥♥[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♥♥♫♪

Black And White Big Fail Text Graphic For Facebook


Cute Girly Bunny Rabbit Pic For Facebook About Me Box


Cool Facebook Status Art Happy Halloween Text

╠╣αppy Ѽ ╠╣αlloween♥ ツ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶‌

Cute Love Hearts Art For Facebook Write Something Box


Cute Snowman Xmas Graphics For Facebook Profiles

⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ✰ ⋯
⋰ ⋮ ⋱
….| _▄▄_
★ ⋰⋱ ★ ⋰⋱ ★ ⋰⋱

Big Hello Text Graphic For Facebook Comments And Wall Posts

┃┗┛┃━━┫┃┃┃┃ ╭╮ ┃
┃┏┓┃━━┫┃┫┗┫ ╰╯ ┃

Big Superman Logo Graphic For Facebook Profiles


Big Skull And Crossbones Picture For Facebook Wall Posts


Cute And Girly Love Text Graphic With Flowers For Facebook Walls
───.─────── ▀██─██▀
───.──────── ██─██─(▒)(▒)
───.──────── ▀█▄█▀(▒)(♥)(▒)

Cute Teddy Bear Facebook Graphic To Copy And Paste To A Wall Post
__________,-~-. _.–._.-~-,
_________/ .- ,’_______`-. \
_________\ /`__________\’/
_________ /___’a___a`___\
_________|____,’(_)`.____ |
_________\___( ._|_. )___ /
__________\___ .__,’___ /

Rude 2 Hands Gesture Ascii Picture For Facebook Comments

……..…../´¯/)……….. (\¯`\
…………/….//……….. …\\….\
………../….//………… ….\\….\
…../´¯/…./´¯\………../¯ `\….\¯`\
.././…/…./…./.|_……_| .\….\….\…\.\..
(.(….(….(…./.)..)..(..(. \….)….)….).)
.\…………….\/…/….\. ..\/……………./
..\…………….. /……..\……………..…/
….\…………..(………. ..)……………./

Cool Tank Ascii Graphic For Facebook Profiles

░░░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃

Big LOL Text Ascii Graphic For Facebook Comments


Two Cute Love Hearts Ascii Pic To Copy And Paste To Your Facebook


Dolphin Ascii Art Facebook Graphic For Wall Posts

__________________ #

Happy Halloween Ascii Text For Facebook Posts


Hello Ascii Word Art For Facebook Comments


Love Heart Detailed Ascii Graphic For Facebook Wall Posts


(✿◠‿◠) (◡‿◡✿) (◕‿◕✿)

(✖╭╮✖) (≧◡≦) (¬_¬)

(◑‿◐) (◕‿-) ✖‿✖ (-’_'-)

(╥_╥) (╯_╰) (╯3╰) (o_-)

(¬‿¬) (◣_◢) (∪ ◡ ∪)

(≧ω≦) o(≧o≦)o (⋋▂⋌)

(॓_॔) (╯ಊ╰) (─‿‿─)

‹(•¿•)› (╯︵╰,) (︶︹︺)

(∩︵∩) (。◕‿◕。) (⊙_◎)

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ (︶ω︶) (+_+)

(◕^^◕) (∩▂∩) (¬▂¬)

(。♥‿♥。) (✿ ♥‿♥) ♥╣[-_-]╠♥

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶

٩(×̯×)۶ {。^◕‿◕^。} (ñ_ñ)

(u_u) (*_*) (º_º)

Cool boys gun graphic for facebook walls

../ `–||||||||———————–]
_==o ____________________|
…),—.(_(__) /
..// (\) ),——’

Cute bunny rabbit symbols facebook art

::: (\_(\
*: (=’ :’) :*
•.. (,(”)(”)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`»


Girly hearts ascii art graphic image for facebook about me

(¯`·.·´¯) (¯`·.·´¯)
`·.¸(¯`·.·´¯)¸ .·
×°× ` ·.¸.·´ ×°×

Hearts line dividers for facebook about me box


Superman big text for facebook write something box

╔═╗ IS

Girly flower ascii picture for facebook about me or wall posts


Black and white heart ascii art picture for facebook walls


Ascii girls art love heart balloon image for facebook


Male boys sign big ascii art graphic for facebook profiles


Funny large ascii art heart joke to copy and paste for facebook walls

_*** ________I’m sorry_________***_
__***________To Hear________***__
___***______You Have_______***___

Big girly playboy ascii art for posting on facebook comments


Big fb ascii art star design for facebook friends wall comments

__________________ 000

Big ascii art love text black to post on facebook friends comments and walls


Christian religious jesus cross ascii art for wall posts on facebook profiles


Very big funny rude hand middle finger sign ascii art graphic for facebook comments and walls


Cool decorative Ipod music ascii art for facebook

╔══╗♫ *´”)
║██║ ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) ♫ ♪
║(O)║ (¸.•´ (¸.• ♫ ♪
╚══╝Take A Dirty Picture For Me, Take A Dirty Picture ;)

Cute heart your name here with divider line ascii art

`·. Your Name Here ♥

Cute ascii art love couple for your fb about me box

……… /█\ ♥/█\

Cute girly bunny decorative ascii art pic for write something box

::: (\_(\
*: (=’ :’) :*
•.. (,(”)(”)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`»

Cool heart monitor divider for facebook about me box


Cute girly hearts design ascii art for about me on facebook profile

(¯`•.•´¯) (¯`•.•´¯)
*`•.¸(¯`•.•´¯)¸.•´ ♥
☆ º ♥ `•.¸.•´ ♥ º ☆.¸¸.•´¯`♥

Cute bunny rabbit art for copy and paste facebook profiles

(\ /)
( . .)♥

Cool words and symbols for your about me on facebook


Bunny graphic ascii art for your write something box on face book


‏ܔܓܜ your name here ܜܔܓ‏

Cool barcode divider for your about me box on facebook

█║▌│ █│║▌ ║││█║▌ │║║█║ │║║█║

Really cool ascii art faces to copy and paste to facebook

⎝⎲⎵⎲⎠ ⎝⓿⏝⓿⎠ ⎝⋋⏝⋌⎠⎝≧⏝≦⎠

Cute ribbon design with small hearts ascii art for your about me box


Cool ipod ascii art picture with music notes

╔═══╗ ♪ ♫
║███║ ♫♪ ♫
║  (●) ║

Cool loading bars to put in your about me box on your facebook profile


100% percent numbers big ascii art text for facebook walls

__88888____888888___888888____88 ___8__
_88_888___88888888_88888888__888 8_8___
____888___888__888_888__888___88 _8____
____888___888__888_888__888_____ 8_____
____888___888__888_888__888____8 __88__
____888___88888888_88888888___8_ _8888_
__8888888__888888___888888___8__ __88__

Welcome word text for facebook about me write something box


HipHop black word text ascii art for facebook comments and wall posts

█▄█ █ █▀█ █▄█ █▀█ █▀█
█▀█ █ █▀▀ █▀█ █▄█ █▀▀

Rude 2 hands fingers swearing gesture for facebook friends wall posts

…………../´¯/)……….. (\¯`\
…………/….//……….. …\\….\
………../….//………… ….\\….\
…../´¯/…./´¯\………../¯ `\….\¯`\
.././…/…./…./.|_……_| .\….\….\…\.\..
(.(….(….(…./.)..)..(..(. \….)….)….).)
.\…………….\/…/….\. ..\/……………./
..\…………….. /……..\………………/
….\…………..(………. ..)……………./
……\………….\……… ../…………./

Ascii art gun picture to post on mates facebook walls

…_…|..__________ __________, ,
……/ `—___________—- _____|]
…../_==o;;;;;;;;__ _____.:/
…..), —.(_(__) /
….// (..) ), —-”

Weed design ascii art picture for facebook comments and wall posts

Big love heart ascii heart for girls facebook posts

__00000_____________________________________ 0000__
_________________ __000_____00_____________________

Medium size ascii heart graphic for girls friends comments and facebook profiles


Cute girly butterfly design ascii art pic to copy and paste on your facebook

____$$$$$$$$$$$$__ ._____.___$$$$$$$$$$$
____$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,, ‘._,’_$$$$$$$$$$$$$
____$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.@:,$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$
_____,,$$$$$$$$$$$$$* @ *$$$$$$$$$$$$,,,

Checkers line divider for write something about me section


Cute hearts and stars ascii design for facebook about me

(¯`•.•´¯) (¯`•.•´¯)
¤ º° ¤`•.¸.•´ ¤ °º

Cute girly bunny rabbit ascii picture for write someting on your facebook profile

(\ /)
( . .)♥

Cool hello word text ascii art to copy and paste to facebook wall posts

║║╔║║╔╗ ║
╠╣╠║║║║ ║
║║╚╚╚╚╝ O

Cute hello with line dividers for your about me box on facebook


Pretty text box for your write something about yourself section

Your Text Goes here

Cute footprints picture ascii art


Falling stars ascii art black and white for about me box

┊  ┊  ┊  ┊
┊  ┊  ┊  ★
┊  ┊  ☆
┊  ★

Crosses and hearts line text divider for about me section on your profile

† ❤ † ❤ † ❤ † ❤ †

Cool ‘turn up the volume’ with fancy letters and music notes

Tuяn Up Tнe Vσℓυмe♪

Really cool volume music box for your facebook profile

: .ılı.——Volume——.ılı.
: ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █
: Min- – – – – – – – – – -●Max

Smiley face with cute heart for about me section


Black and white stars design for write something area on facebook profile

★     ☆     ★
★     ☆     ★
★     ★     ☆
★     ★     ☆

Cute big I love design with hearts ascii art


Pretty stars and hearts ascii art design


Money dollar bill notes facebook ascii:





Cool and cute small faces for about me box and statuses:

٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(×̯×)۶

Love heart medium ascii art for facebook about me section:

__♥ .____ ♥__

More cool little faces icons for facebook status updates and about me:






Cute copy and paste decoration for your about me section:

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Type your name here

Funny little stickman facebook ascii art:

/ \

The word ‘Hi’ in ascii art for facebook write something box:

┌┐┌┐ ○
└┘└┘└┘○○ ○○ ○○ ○○

The word ‘Emo’ ascii art picture for about me box on your profile:


Medium ascii art picture of a christian cross for your facebook profile:


Funny who ate my chocolate ascii art picture:


Picachu Ascii Art Pic For Facebook

(= ‘.’=)

Facebook Wall Art Little Bunny

(-_- )
(”) (”)

Cute Little Bunny For Facebooke About Me


Ascii Art Animal To Post On Facebook

(> ” ” <)
( =’o'= )

Cool And Cute Bunny Rabbit Art Decoration For Facebook

::: (\_(\
*: (=’ :’) :*
•.. (,(”)(”)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`»

Cute Creature Animal For Facebook About Me Box

… @ @ . .
.. ( ‘ o ‘ ) . .
. º(___)º . .

░█▀▀ ░█▀█ ░█ ░█▀▀ ░░█▀▀ ░█▀█░█ ░█░░░░
░█▀▀ ░█▀▀ ░█ ░█ ░░░░█▀▀ ░█▀█░█ ░█ ░░░░
░▀▀▀ ░▀ ░░░▀ ░▀▀▀ ░░▀░░ ░▀░▀░▀ ░▀▀▀░░


ن٥ﻻ ﻉ√٥ﺎ ٱ


█▄█ █▀█ ▀█▀
█▀█ █▄█ ♥█

¯`°º·¤.¸¯`°º·¤.¸¯`°º·¤.¸ (¯`v´¯) ¸.¤·º°´¯¸.¤·º°´¯¸.¤·º°

.¤·º°´¯¸.¤·º°´¯¸.¤·º° Happy Mother’s Day¯`°º·¤.¸¯`°º·¤.¸

╔♫═╗╔╗ ♥
ஜ۩۞۩ஜ YOU ஜ۩۞۩ஜ


╭∩╮( º.º )╭∩╮

Large ascii art heart for facebook wall posts

¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ ´¶¶¶¶¶

Hand peace sign for facebook ascii art comments

│▒│ /▒/
│▒ /▒/─┬─┐

Big star design with words you rock for facebook ascii art wall posts

0____________ YOU ___________00
000_________ …….._________ 0000
00000 _______ROCK!_______ 00000

Happy valentines day large ascii art heart for facebook comments

______ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ HAPPY VALENTINES♥♥♥

Big playboy bunny ascii art wall post picture for facebook comments

;;;;;;;;;;;:¸___________, :;;;;;;;;;¸
:;;;;;;;;;;;;__________, :;;;;;;;;;;;¸
_ :;;;;;;;;;;;, , _______, :;;;;;;;;;;;¸
___:;;;;;;;;;;;;_______, ;;;;;;;;;;;;:
___________•¸:;;;;¸., .¸;;;;;;•
______(*•.¸ (*•.¸ ¸.•*´) ¸.•* )





.`•.¸.•´ ★
¸.•´.•´¨) ¸.•¨)
(¸.•´(¸.•´ (¸.•¨¯`* ♥





¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Type your name here

.||. ||. ♥

»-(¯`·.·´¯)->YOUR TEXT<-(¯`·.·´¯)-«

♬ ♫ ♪ ılıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llılı ♪ ♫ ♬

/(,”)\ ♥♥(“,)
./♥\. + ./█\.
_| |_ ♥ _| |_

╔═╗ ╔══╗

╔═══╗ ♪
║███║ ♫
║ (●) ♫

̿’ ̿’\̵͇̿̿\з=(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿


╭∩╮( º.º )╭∩╮

█ ♥ █

`·.. Insert name here

╔♫═╗╔╗ ♥
ஜ۩۞۩ஜ YOU ஜ۩۞۩ஜ

`·.. .♥

lıllı ((((|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|)))) ıllı

semalam aq webcam gn dye. x sangke dye nagis tok aq. sbb salah faham je. sayang jugak dye kt aq ek. aq da mcm owang giler pike kn nieh. antara 4 calon gadis yg aq da pilih. sekarang tinggal 2. huuhu.. mari kita lihat. sape yg leh dapatkan cinta aq. :P
bukan untuk memainkn perasaan. aq layan sume same adil. tp sape yg lebih meyerlah tu. dapat a point lebih kn. ala2 peraduan lg tu. huhuhu.. antara 2 orang ni. sape ek salah sowang dapat pikat ati aq KAW KAW punye. atau akan muncul calon baru. atau dua2 aq reject. atau...

someone. pls kill me. i hate life like this! fill like inside fuckingshit blackhole!

Your Profile, Your Story: Twilight's Story

Your Profile, Your Story: Twilight's Story

awk awk.
sy nk tanye awk.
adakah sy bertepuk sebelah tangan
sy da start sume same awk. sy da start syg same awk.
awk kate awk sygkn sy. awk kate awk syg sy sgt2.
tp sume tu tipu je kan. awk just cube pujuk hati sy je kan.
sy tau. sy x sekacak dye. x secomel dye. x semashuk dye.
sy tau. sy ni xda harta , sy ni xduet ,
tp sy cuma ada cinta untuk awk.
sy cume ad cinta sahaja untuk awk.
tapi awk da buat hati sy hancur semula.
sy igtkn awk cinta sejati sy . yg sy cari selama ini.
tp mungkin sy silap. sy mmg cintakan awk. tp awk..
sy akan tunggu awk. hingga peganti seterusnya datang .

awk tolong simpan hati sy dulu tau. simpan baek baek. :(
tp kalau awk rasa awk xleh simpankan. awk tolong lah pulangkan balek kt sy.
pulangkan baek baek. mcm sy bagi awk dulu.


aiyo~ bosan nyer. apehal tah. semalam chat gn oceng sampai pg kut. leh ttdo plak. aq pike tidow lame. bgn2 kul 6pg lg. aiseh! bapak awl. time azan subuh lak tu. bukan aq g sembahyang subuh pn. aq twus kuar g CC. tgk member aq si abe tu bantai tidow depan pc kaunter. kekkee. cian abe. aq ganti dye kejap. upe nyer ganti mase si allstar keje. allstar pn bantai tidow kt umah dye. hahaha.. tp gnti kejap nyer pasal. mule2 igt nk men free je. ttb allstar bg aq RM5 . dye kate upah. aiyo.. hahaha. ari ni dari kul 12am-3am , 6am-2am . online je keje aq. ape aq nk wat tah aq pn da x tau . ades. semalam mcm2 idea aq dapat . ari ni blur . seb baek demam , batok , gn selsema aq makin ok. kalu x. kompem tersadai..

arh~ meyampah tol aq demam nieh~ dekat seminggu lak tu.
siap pakej batuk kering gn selsema lg.
adoi .
biler la nk baek ni.
sakit wo badan aq.
nak keje pown susah
ape lg la yg dowang ni x puas hati gan aq. if xnak aq tggl kat dalam rumah tuh. cakap je la terus terang. xpayah nak meyindir. aq tau aq ni bukan orang senang. gaji aq nk baya bilik sewa pn x lepas. banyak lagi aq nak kene pikir tok mase depan aq. aq x keje memekak. aq da dapat keje memekak gak. selama ni pn aq duk dalam stor umah nieh je. (mcm cite hikayat putra shazlan a plak). mule2 citer sume all sponser. pastu satu2 kaw mintak duet. sekarang A-Z aq kene bayar? xnak tlg aq xper. aq x kesah. tp cakap trus terang, xpayah cakap belakang2 or bg kate2 yang leh wat aq hilang sabar nk bg penampar kt pipi kaw tuh. aq tau aq susah. aq tau aq ni x berpelajaran. kaw cume tau cakap "orang suruh sekolah kaw maen2 , orang suruh kaw belajar kaw berenti"..
pandai cakap je. padahal dye bukan tau pn masaalah aq gn family.
kalu family x abaikan aq. x buang aq. aq pasti akan berjaya. biler aq cakap aq nk sambung pelajaran. sume maki aq. siap cakap "sape nak sponser kaw belajar? mak bapak kaw bukan amek tau pn . kaw nk meyusahkan ktowang nk sponser kaw pulak?". sakit tol ati aq biler dengar. dulu cakap aq malas belajar. aq nk belajar x kasi. hurm. mayb da nasib idup aq dari kecik sampai besar mmg malang kot. tah sampai biler la nasib aq nak macam ni. aq da penat dah hidup mcm ni. aq nak menagis. tp x nak kuar air mata plak. degil tul mate nieh.

aq nk jadi mcm kawan2 sekolah aq gk.
sume berjaya teruskan pembelajaran. aq je x kemana lg.
aq rasa bahagia semasa di sekolah dulu.
aq rasa bahagia bila di PLKN dulu.
tp aq x rasa bahagia bila hidup aq cm ni.

adakah ini cabaran seterusnya. merempat semula?
aq akan tempuhinya seorang diri

ok tak aq edit picture

lame tol aq x EDIT gamba gne picnik nieh. just gne TINT je tok men tuka2 kale nieh. yg kelakar nyer. ramai yg pecaye aq wat kale rambot pelik2 mcm nieh. huhu .
Tanpa kelulusan SPM. senang ke kt nk cari kerja yg leh jamin masa depan?
ape nk jadi gn aq pasni pn aq x tau . baro dapat keje yg aq ase leh cover duet poket aq ttb malang menjelma.

banyak sangat dugaan yang aq terima. bila aq berazam untuk berubah jadi lebih baek demi masa depan aq.

sejak sekolah menengah aq belajar berdikari. tp aq still x mampu. takat gne duet haram tok hidup aq mampu la. ni nk cari wet halal. aq x mampu. takat gaji x sampai RM30 dalam 15 hari berkerja. mana aq mampu nk beli moto sendiri tok bekerja. cari tempat tinggal sendiri. senang citer idup sendiri..

aq baro nk mulekan idup baru. tp aq terasa seperti hidup aq dah musnah. tp aq masih ad orang yg bg aq sinar baru. aq rase anak yatim lebih beruntung daripada aq. mereka ada rumah. aq tak ada.

aq da malas dah nk wat keje2 koto tuk hidup. keluarga aq sume anggap aq ni meyusahkan.lablekn aq budak2 jahat. lablekn aq bekas banduan .
dowang buat aq mcm aq ni HINA sanggat.

aq x kacau korang, aq hanya ingin menumpang. terlalu banyak tekanan dalam hidup aq. terlalu banyak sanggat dugaan dalam hidup ni . aq cuba hadapi. tp aq rasa aq x mampu.

tubuh badan aq semakin lama semakin lemah. aq sakit aq x pena nk bg tau dowang. sbb aq tau if aq sakit . aq handle sendiri. aq tau dowang xkn amek peduli.

kenapa dowang bebaskan aq daripada penjara.
aq da rase happy da kt sane.
aq da rase sana la tempat tinggal yang sesuai tok insan mcm aq ni.
aq x nk wat keje kotor lagi tok mulakan hidup.
mungkin ni balasan aq.
balasan yang harus aq tempuhi.
tok memulakan hidup baru.

tah lepas nieh aq merempat kt mane plak. aq pn xtau. makan x makan. belakang citer. yg penting aq dapat survive~

facebook symbols Unicode

Here is the complete list of facebook symbols Unicode. You can copy and paste these for use in your messages or where you want!

♠ ♣ ♥
♦ ♪ ♫ ■ □ ▪ ▫ ▬ ▲ ►
▼ ◄ ◊ ○ ● ◘ ◙ ◦ ☺ ☻
☼ ♀ ▪ ▫ ▬ ☻
☺ ◙ ◘ ▀ € ♥
♂ ▒
๏ ๐ ๑ ๒
๓ ๔ ๕๖ ๗ ๘ ๙ ๚ ๛ Ẁ
ẁ Ẃ ẃ Ẅ ẅ Ạ ạ Ả ả Ấ
ấ Ầ ầẨ ẩ Ẫ ẫ Ậ ậ Ắ
ắ Ằ ằ Ẳ ẳ Ẵ ẵ Ặ ặ Ẹ
ẹ Ẻ ẻ Ẽ ẽ Ế ế Ề ề Ể
ể Ễ ễ Ệ ệ Ỉ ỉ Ị ị Ọ
Æ ¢ ™ Ð ¹ º ç Þ ß ÿ æ â ã ¥ ¤ £ ¦ ©
ª « ¬ ­® ¯
Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ß à á â ã ä å æ ç è é
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ﻖﻗ ﻘ ﻙ ﻚ ﻛ ﻜ ﻝﻞ
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ﻨﻩ ﻪ ﻫ ﻬ ﻭ ﻮﻯ ﻰ
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◄ ▬ ☻ ▬ ► ♣ ♠
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╞ ╝ ╜ ╛ ╚ ╙ ╗ ╘ ╗ ╖
╕ ╔ ╓ ╒ ║ ═

Enjoy these symbols for facebook!

Besides basic facebook symbols that can be used as part of facebook, there is also special facebook symbols that can be useful to express complex symbol without typing it.

To use, you must copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) these symbols in your status messages, comments, wall post, etc.

Some facebook symbols may not appear (showing up as squares, or ?) if the user doesn't have all the fonts required installed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Complete list of special and rare facebook symbols:

Heart facebook symbols:

❤ ❥ ♡ ♥ ღ ɞ

Zodiac symbols for facebook

♈ – Aries (The Ram)
♉ – Taurus (The bull)
♊ – Gemini (The Twins)
♋ – Cancer (The Crab)
♌ – Leo (The Lion)
♍ – Virgo (The Virgin)
♎ – Libra (The Scales)
♏ – Scorpio (The Scorpion)
♐ – Sagittarius (Centaur The Archer)
♑ – Capricorn (Goat-horned, The sea goat)
♒ – Aquarius (The water bearer)
♓ – Pisces (The fish)

Apple symbol for facebook: Ѽ

Special face symbol Style 1:

Special face symbol Style 2:

Chess black facebook symbols :

♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟

Chess White Facebook Symbols:

♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙

Crosses facebook symbols:

☩ ☨ ☦ ✙ ✚ ✛ ✜ ✝ ✞ ✠

Facebook Flowers Symbol:

❀ ✿ ❁ ✾ ✽ ❃ ❋

Facebook Butterfly Symbols:

Butterfly symbol 01: Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ

Butterfly symbol 02: ƸӜƷ

Butterfly style 03: εїз

Facebook Music Symbols:

♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯

Facebook Poker Symbols:
Poker black: ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠
Poker White: ♡ ♢ ♤ ♧

Moon symbols ☾ ☽

Sun symbols: ☼ ☀

Cloud and umbrella ☁ ☂



Stars facebook symbols

★ ✩ ✮ ✯ ✰ ☆ ⋆ ╰☆╮✡ ۞

Snowflake facebook symbols:

❇ ❈ ❅ ❄ ❆

Religion & belief facebook symbols

☯ ✡☨ ✞ ✝☥ ☦ ☧ ☩ ☪ ☫ ☬ ☭ - Peace symbols: ✌☮

Risk radioactive and biological: ☢ ☣

Check symbol for facebook

Hands pointing

☚ ☛ ☜ ☝ ☞ ☟

Writing Symbols

✉ ✍ ✎ ✏ ✐✑✒ ⌨

Scissors symbols: ✂ ✄

Phones symbols: ☎ ☏ ✆

Clocks:⌛ ⌚

Airplane facebook symbol:

Skull symbol:

Decorative symbols: ๑ ۩ ۞

Numeric facebook symbols:

①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ ⑪⑫⑬⑭⑮⑯⑰⑱⑲⑳


ⓐⓑⓒⓓⓔⓕ ⓖⓗⓘⓙⓚⓛ ⓜⓝⓞⓟⓠⓡ ⓢⓣⓤⓥⓦⓧⓨⓩ

you can write your own words, for example:!!

Facebook symbols = Ⓕⓐⓒⓔⓑⓞⓞⓚ Ⓢⓨⓜⓑⓞⓛⓢ

Oriental symbols:

㊊㊐㊋㊌㊍㊎㊏ ㊐㊑㊒㊓㊔㊕㊖㊗ ㊀㊁㊂㊃㊄㊅㊆ ㊇㊈㊉

Some facebook symbols may not appear (showing up as squares, or ?) if the user doesn't have all the fonts required installed.

november opera mini IPhack . Maxis,Nokia info.

REMINDER: Do it at your own risk. This is just an information-sharing post. NO encouragement to break the LAWS.

Download This opera mini. this only can use with this software

1.Dial *100# and you will see a listed menu.

2.Select no.7 (Internet&Settings) > Select no.3 (prepaid broadband) > Select no.5 (service switching) >Select no.2 (Switch to Prepaid Broadband) > Select no.1 (Proceed)

3.You will receive a confirmation sms.

4.Set your proxy to ““. For Nokia phone, this setting will be in “Settings> Connectivity>Destinations>Maxis 3G Internet>Options>Advanced Settings>Proxy server address.

5.Set your proxy port to”80“. For Nokia phone, this setting will be in “Settings> Connectivity>Destinations>Maxis 3G Internet>Options>Advanced Settings>Proxy port.

6.Download and install this application (modified Opera mini) to your phone.

7.Run the application in your phone. Change the custom HTTP Server to ““ .

8.Press “OK”. Select the connection that you modified above (Select Maxis 3G Internet if you modified this).

DONE!!! Enjoy the internet!
Jenis Awek Era Komputerilisasi
Mungkin berguna bagi kita di era komputerisasi dan Informasi ini.

Awek jenis ini akan mengingat semua hal, SELAMANYA


Awek jenis akan terus melupakan mu, pada saat kamu melepaskannya.

Semua tahu Awek jenis ini tidak dapat melakukan semua dengan betul,tapi kita tidak dapat hidup tanpanya.


Awek jenis ini bagus hanya untuk bersenang-lenang saja

Biasanya susah di akses, dan mudah putus hubungan (Disconnected)

Selalu sibuk bila kita memerlukannya

Awek jenis ini mampu membuat hal buruk menjadi indah

CD-ROM Girls
Selalu lebih cepat dan cepat

E-MAIL Girls
Setiap sepuluh kalimat yang diucapkannya, lapan kalimat adalah

Awek jenis ini bila kita tidak memerlukannya dia datang, dia meng-Install dirinya dan menggunakan semua sumber-sumber yang ada. Jikakita berusaha meng- Un-install, kita akan kehilangan semuanya, Jikakita tidak berusaha untuk meng Un-Installnya maka kita pun akan kehilangan juga…
Awek jenis ini biasa juga dikenali dengan istilah…ISTeRI


arh~ overdose aq. tension nyer pasal. aq x pike ape. twus g beli ARAK. aq pown x tau ape nak jadi gan aq ni. da lame berenti. tp amek balek. jalan yang paling senang. aq g beli mabuk sekati. layan sowang.. last² aq dating gn CIK JAM. lame gak aq dating gn dye. last2 aq overdose. agak banyak gk la. mane tak nyer. lame x minum . pastu layan SEKATI twus. duk dalam aircon. ttb teringat plak Excouple aq. seb baek membe2 aq layan aq. kalu ta keras aq semalam. aq rase cam malas nk mabuk da. tp tgk keadaan . aq x janji tok berhenti. aq just akan cube berhenti. aq tau mender tu dosa. tp life aq social. aq nak enjoy. aq nk luperkan problem aq seketika. ad family mcm xder. anggap aq cam owang luar. aq nak sambung belajar x kasi. pastu cakap aq pemalas. aq x kerja dowang memekak. aq kerja pown dowang memekak. biler mintak duet tau plak marah. aq nk g duk mcm family lain. happy , adakalanyer sedey. tp best je aq tgk hidup bekeluarga.
hampir 6 tahun aq x rase hidup gn mak bapak. da la dari darjah 1-6 duk kt kg, gn nenek. dapat duk gn mak bapak 2 tahun je. pastu diabaikan mcm anak angkat yg dikutip..
Raya pertama

memang agak membosan kan. coz aq kene keje. x dapat g sembahyang raya. kul 12 tgh ari baru balik rumah. mandi² , tuka baju. after that trus g rumah member. 2 rumah je. pastu trus g bukitbintang. lepak² , teman member g beli gitar karen. paling murah RM485. garu kepala member aq kejap. lari bajet. after that g karoke kt KTV jalan imbi plak. dengan aq tak tidow lg , mate suda koyak. igt mau tidow dalam karoke. tau² aq melayan. huuhu. pastu g tgk cite resident evil:afterlife , mmg best. its better dari resident evil sebelum ni. mau makan bapak susa. bajet kureng. igt mau makan kat mapley . tau² sume maplay tutup. cibet.~~~

Raya Kedua

haha. raya kedua hangout kat bukitbintang. tp ta pakai baju melayu a. dress seperti hari² biasa aq lepak kat bukit bintang. huhu. tapi senang siket cari makan. sbb kedai mamak belakang ts suda bukak. tp kureng siket. ta ramai sgt dak² yang kuar. aq ase ramai yg kat kg lg kut..

Karipap Makcik Ina Kampung Pandan Dalam

terbaek! hari2 LICIN!
bukak kedai mcm gunung. xsampai 3 jam suda beratur mau beli.
waktu perniagaan daripada jam 12.30 tgh hari sehingga jam 6.45 petang.
tetapi. pada jam 4.30 petang. kebanyakkan kuih muih telah abis licin yaw!

Dari aq belum lahir. sampai la aq da masok 20 tahun. still yang TERBAEK!

location dye mmg senang. u all cari je masjid nurul hidayah,kg pandan dalam.
betul² kat depan masjid tu ade owang jual kuih.
leh perasan owang ramai beli kt situ (kebanyakkan masa larh).

Karipap bull @ karipap daging

karipap sardin,
Pau Sardin,
Pau Kacang Merah,
Abuk Abuk,

karipap kentang,
lepat ubi,
lepat pisang,
Cucur Udang ,
keria @ gelang,
cara manis,
cara berlauk,
Kuih Dal @ Kuih India,
jenis kuih didalam loyang,
bingka ubi,
goreng pisang,

lompat tikam,
bubur kacang hijau,
bihun goreng,

bubur pulut hitam,
mee goreng,

tepung pelita,

untuk tempahan, sila hubungi:
makcik Ina
Siti Mariam

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